DISC – The Yellow Quadrant



This is the second of four articles looking at the quadrants of the DISC model, and we’re looking at I (Influencing), the yellow quadrant.  A high yellow profile is typified by enthusiasm and collaboration, and motivated by social recognition.


The qualities and attributes of someone with a high level of Yellow in their DISC profile are:

Charming, Confident, Convincing, Enthusiastic, Inspiring, Optimistic, Persuasive, Popular, Sociable, Trusting

Ideal Environment

The ideal environment has two things, people and change.  Those with a high yellow profile thrive from working and collaborating with others.  They crave this interaction and validation.  They will also dread uniformity and routine and become easily bored with details, preferring to focus on the big picture and new ideas.

Value Added

Those with a high yellow profile bring optimism and energy to a team.  Always with a glass half full, always with ideas.  This boosts morale and engenders both fun and loyalty, strengthening the ties within a team.  As they prefer to work in novel and new ways they can bring creativity and unique problem solving perspectives and capacity to a team.

Potential Limitations

When we’re focussed on the big picture we can miss the detail.  Moreover, when we’re excited by the big picture we can get bored with the details (and therefore avoid them).  Listening and attention might be ‘situational’.  By this we mean those with a high yellow profile might hear and focus on the things that excite them, and possibly ignore or gloss over the things they don’t find stimulating.  What’s more, when we have a desire and drive to work with others, and we want to find the good and the positives, we are likely to overlook the negative.  This can lead to an unrealistic appraisal of both people and opportunities.

Weaknesses are Strengths Overplayed

High energy and enthusiasm are desperately needed at times.  But sometimes what is more appropriate is a cool, calm and quiet approach.  In the wrong situation, or with the wrong people, a high yellow style can be a bit much and can be overly talkative and unrealistically optimistic.


Give yourself a score out of 10 for how close the yellow profile matches your preferred style of working and communicating.  Next week we will look at S and Steadiness.


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