DISC – The Green Quadrant



This is the third of four articles looking at the quadrants of the DISC model, and we’re looking at S (Steadiness), the green quadrant.  A high green profile is typified by stability and motivated by supporting others.


The qualities and attributes of someone with a high level of Green in their DISC profile are:

Amiable/Friendly, Good listener, Patient, Relaxed, Sincere, Stable/Steady, Team player, Understanding

Ideal Environment

A high green operating style values stability and predictability.  A comfortable environment is one when change happens at a steady pace and is comfortable, allowing people to buy into the process.  Where those with a hight Red profile might find conflict stimulating, those with high green often find it destructive and unsettling, preferring a less fractious environment where deep and long-term working relationships can be developed.

Value Added

The value of a high green operating style is dependability.  People with this profile tend to take their time to make decision, but once made they tend to stick to them.  Therefore, when they agree to do something, it will almost certainly be done.  Those with a high green profile tend to be attuned to the health of a team and are often the first to spot problems or issues with team members.  They are driven by a cause and once committed will stick to it.

Potential Limitations

The desire for harmony can sometimes see people avoid difficult conversations and avoid problems.  Likewise, if a change is uncomfortable, those with a high green profile might avoid or obstruct necessary changes.  There is also a tendency to think deeply about all decisions before making them.  At times this can lead to procrastination and a difficulty in establishing priorities.

Weaknesses are Strengths Overplayed

The journey is as important as the destination, and everyone should be brought along.  If a decision doesn’t sit comfortably with some people, those with a strong green profile are likely to dig their heels in and become stubborn until an ideal solution can be found.  This is driven from positive intent, but it can come across as undemonstrative, hesitant, obstructive or stubborn.


Give yourself a score out of 10 for how close the green profile matches your preferred style of working and communicating.  Next week we will look at the final quadrant, C and Compliance.


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